VD07 In The Light Green
Author: Reddish_Red
Part Seven of Vietnam Days. Australian Mechanised M113 Platoon supported by a Centurion Platoon attack and clear VC Villages and positions whilst being hounded by NVA Armoured Platoon (Players)
Gameplay History
Bug Reports
ok I used rack radio in HQ, got out and I am still using it.
Add a setup timer. Pushing BLU spawn is fine but let them set up.
Utterly stupid concept to allow the enemy player team, to be capable of driving heavy armour, or anything really, up into the other player team's spawn.
No setup timer to indicate anything. No indfor AO limit.
We drove no more then 100ft, not even meters, from our spawn, and you had your tank engaging us from a location 200 meters from our spawn? We got engaged once we moved off, but from where we actually spawned, we could still have been engaged, so unsure if you waited for us to move or not, but none the less, how is that allowed?